The Carton Brands
Smartland Inc. / Smartland AZ LLC
Smartland AZ LLC was incorporated in the State of Arizona. Taking advantage of distressed real estate, condominiums were purchased through distressed sales in North Phoenix and North Scottsdale. The condominiums provide positive cash flow and upon an improving market will be resold. Smartland AZ LLC continues to review Arizona opportunities.
Carton Oil Inc. / Carton Oil TX LLC
We are currently a non operating working interest partner in a mineral lease joint venture and multiple drilling and completion joint ventures in south east Saskatchewan. The Bakken formation is a part of the Williston Basin and covers parts of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North Dakota and Montana. While estimates vary and technology continues to make more oil recoverable, it is clear that the Bakken formation represents billions of barrels of recoverable oil. These wells tend to be very productive, producing sweet light crude oil; one of the highest grade of crude oil available. With advances in horizontal drilling, fracking, and general technology, this project holds an exciting future.
With low oil prices today we are looking at acquisitions on the servicing side as well as purchasing distressed, discounted production.
Carton Oil TX LLC was incorporated in the State of Texas. We are currently a shareholder in two Texas corporations actively drilling in North and West Texas. We have partnered locally with partners who possess both history and connections in the Texas oil industry. We have acquired distressed Oklahoma production, and continue to aggressively review opportunities currently driven by low oil prices.